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Library Resources

Study Spaces and Carrels

Study Spaces

The library has plenty of space for SUNY Cortland faculty, staff and students to study alone or in groups. Our first two floors are for group study, with the two floors above for those who prefer quiet. There are also several group study rooms in the library with either white boards or flat screen monitors, which current students can check out by visiting the circulation desk.  These are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, if they are not already reserved as described below.

There are also 34 study carrels available lining the walls of the 4th floor designated as quiet space. These small rooms allow for studying individually and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to SUNY Cortland students, staff or faculty. 

Group Study Room Reservations (Current Students only)

Group study rooms are available for reserve by current SUNY Cortland students for collaborative study & research. To reserve a room for a club meeting go to the Campus Activities Office.

  • Rooms are to be used by a minimum of 2 students. If there are fewer than 2 students occupying a room, you will be asked to return the key and you will lose your reservation.
  • Rooms can be reserved for up to 3 hours per day, 4 days per week. Renewals are not allowed.
  • Reservations will be canceled if you do not show up within 15 minutes of the start time.
  • Reservations are available 1 week in advance.
  • Users are responsible for the condition of the room at the end of the loan period & their personal property, which should never be left unattended.
  • We reserve the right to inspect the condition of any room at any time.