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Current information on Interlibrary Loan is available on the Library Resources guide.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) retrieves items which are not owned by Memorial Library by borrowing them or requesting photocopies or digital scans from other libraries. This system is called ILLiad.
Items in ONESearch not owned by us have a link to request via ILL. You may need the WorldCat scope to find them.
ILLiad is accessible from the library home page. There are ILL links in most databases and the top of the page when signed in to MyLibraryCard.
*** Please check your ILLiad Username - Make sure it matches your myRedDragon Username (without ""). If it does not, please contact us at (607)753-2928 or at ***
Resource Sharing includes other SUNY libraries and regional libraries (ex. CUNY, Marist or Siena) and is faster than Interlibrary Loan. If we can't get an item through Resource Sharing, it automatically goes to Interlibrary Loan, which includes more libraries. ILLiad login needs to be verified annually to make requests.