Yes. SUNY affiliated patrons can go to another SUNY library and have only essential information pulled through the library system in order to check out items there. You will probably need your C#.
Please NOTE: You are required to return that item to the same library.
Check with other SUNY libraries about their local access and loaning procedures.
Do not submit requests until you hear back from the Interlibrary Loan Department that the setup is complete.
If you are an Online Masters Student then you can request to have books sent to you, but be aware that this will probably add one to two weeks to the time it takes to get your materials. You may not be able to renew the books, depending on who provides them.
Before doing so, please be sure you have exhausted all possible alternatives (see the options listed in Library Resources outside of Memorial Library) and have consulted with your Advisor as well as meet with your Library Liaison to review options. Following the sequence provided above will ensure that getting the material needed will be a smooth and quick process.
If you have completed the above steps, you can proceed to fill out the form to set up the request process. Do not submit requests until you hear back from the Interlibrary Loan Department that the setup is complete.
Resource Sharing includes other SUNY libraries and regional libraries (ex. CUNY, Marist or Siena) and is faster than Interlibrary Loan. If we can't get an item through Resource Sharing, it automatically goes to Interlibrary Loan, which includes more libraries. ILLiad login needs to be verified annually to make requests.
If our library doesn’t have what you need, it is likely that the item can be borrowed from another library. Articles are usually turned around within 24-48 hours, books usually take about 2 weeks. For further information on this service, see our Interlibrary Loan FAQs.
You can access Interlibrary Loan from the Library Tab in myRedDragon under "Library Links and Resources," as shown below, or request items directly from ONESearch. All users must be registered in ILLiad and verify their credentials annually.
If you haven't registered previously you will need to fill out a form, and then it will take you to the request page.