Charles "Chuck" Alexander was a Cortland student in the early in 1970's. He graduated in 1974 with a degree in sociology. During the 1973-1974 academic year he was a featured editor and also acted as the special assignments editor for the Press (student newspaper). He ran a column called "Chuck's Corner." His columns discussed an array of important issues concerning the nation, the campus, and general well being of society. One of his quotes reads; "Love is the creation of mankind, but peace is the creation of everyone," (Alexander, Press, October 26, 1973). His columns raise essential questions and provide insight into issues concerning the campus such as race, racism, equality, joy, and campus life.
If some of the articles are small to read on your screen, all of the articles are linked to the full-text originally scanned version located in NYS Historic Newspapers. Just click on the article image and it will redirect you. The articles are arranged in chronological order starting on with the left column going down.