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Citation Impact


What is ORCID ID, by John Bond, YouTube, December 5, 2016.

"ORCID iD is a unique, open digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher with the same or a similar name to you. ... Your ORCID iD number is visible to everyone, displayed on your ORCID record below your name." ORCID is free to create an account and receive a unique identifier that follows your career. These can be used to make sure your work is correctly identified as your own, separating you from others.

Setting up an ORCID iD account requires just an email, personal or professional, and a password. From there, you are able to enter information about your employment/institution(s), education and qualifications, professional activities, funding, and research outputs under works. You can also add links to websites and social media pages, keywords that describe your work, and countries where you conduct your research and/or where you focus your research.

ORCID can be populated exporting publication information from other sources. This can be done a few ways: using DOI, PubMedID, BibTex, or manual input.  You can also search for yourself as an author in ONESearch and export that list to BibTex to import.

  • Log in to your ORCID account
  • Under the 'Works' heading click on 'Add'
  • Select your preferred method to input publication information
  • Input citation information
  • Finalize and save

For additional information about importing publication works, check ORCID's website. Below is a guide for importing publication works from Google Scholar.

Google Scholar Profiles

Make a Google Scholar Profile in under 3 minutes, Nick Byrd, YouTube, May 30, 2019.

A Google Scholar profile is a free service that allows you to showcase your publications and determine their citation impact. While this service is available and can be consulted, it does not always produce the most accurate findings as not all academic databases it pulls information from are up to date or properly populated and curated. Google Scholar also does not necessarily self-populate, its recommended that scholars populate their Google Scholar profiles with their scholarship.

Also, information can be exported from Google Scholar to other platforms such as ORCID. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Google Scholar account
  • In the publications gray heading area, click on Export
  • Select BibTex
  • A simple text page will open with citations as plain text
  • Open Notepad or similar word processing application
  • Copy BibTex text containing publication information
  • Paste BibTex text into Notepad
  • Save Notepad document
  • Log in to ORCID
  • In ORCID, find "Works" section, then click on "Add Works" on the right side of the "Works" banner
  • Select "Import BibTex" and in the box that appears, choose the Notepad file with publications
  • Select Notepad file and click "Open"
  • Once the file is saved, ORCID will display your publications

For more information, review this guide.


Mendeley profiles provide scholars with the opportunity to communicate with others in your network but attempts to focus on your individual scholarship rather than others.

Academic Considerations

These resources may help you create various profiles to better serve your academic career, scholarship, and analyze your citation impact. However, there may be potential risks of freely sharing scholarship that may be protected by certain publishers due to copyright or confidentiality. Profiles

The Lens Profiles | Five Minute Friday, Carrie Price, YouTube, March 2, 2023

In order to get access to Lens, set up a profile. This will allow the scholar and their work to gain greater visibility. It is recommended to keep an updated ORCID profile since Lens does pull data from there to populate a scholar's Lens profile.

To set up a profile be sure to create a log in and link your Lens profile to your ORCID account.

A scholar can add their employment history and other similar CV-related information.

It is recommended to make your profile publicly visible and searchable. Scholars can also search and follow other scholars and inventors to receive notifications of new publications from those creators.

The Lens Profile Support Page can provide further information as well as tutorials in greater detail on how to link Lens with ORCID.

Academic Social Media Platforms is a San Francisco-based social media platform allowing scholars to connect with each other, similar to other popular platforms. Academia allows scholars to build a profile that includes their research interests, institutional affiliation(s), contact information, and their scholarship depending on copyright rules. Scholars can then build networks via their profile and information populated on it. However, its functionalities do not emphasize citation analysis and impact.



ResearchGate is a Berlin, Germany-based social media platform intended to share research and provide a medium for scholars to build their networks. Similar to other known social media platforms, the user can set up a profile that includes their institution(s), research interests, and research output as well as share their publications, patents, and other research deliverables. Previously ResearchGate published a "RG score" metric based on author-level research output, but it was not a citation impact metric. The platform discontinued its RG score in July 2022 given the issues with the score. Despite this metric issue, ResearchGate remains as the largest academic social media platform, especially among STEM fields and is appropriate for use in networking and sharing research.

Note: ResearchGate has experienced some credibility concerns in the last 10 years. It has been criticized and even threatened with legal action over concerns about copyright infringement, inaccurate impact factors, and including data from fake journals (sometimes called ghost journals). It is recommended to use ResearchGate with caution.