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*Health: General Research Guide

Finding Journals

What are Journals? Journals are serial publications that are released daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.. The term "journals" usually is reserved for more scholarly publications, where the term "magazines" are usually intended for a popular audience.

To search for a journal by title, go to the "Library" tab in MyRedDragon, click the "Journals" tab in the upper middle "Library Search" box. Type the title and click "Search." 

You can view current issues of journals we have in print on the 3rd floor (A side) of the Memorial Library.

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Publications Search

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Featured Journals

Scholarly and other types of health articles geared to medical and pre-medical fields.


MEDLINE with Full Text

Provides authoritative medical information and articles geared to health professionals, including MESH subject headings. Contains abstract-only content.


PubMed Central

Free access to MEDLINE citations. Primarily contains abstract-only content. Use Libkey Nomad for full-text access.