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*Health: General Research Guide

Searching for an Overview or Background Information?

If you're researching a new topic you're unfamiliar with a good place to start is an encyclopedia.  This can help provide you with the background knowledge on the topic so you can develop your topic and keywords and so that you can understand the broader context of your research. 
Because there can be a lot of contradictory information available in the Health Sciences it's best to do your background research only in reputable encyclopedias that are written by experts in the field.  In addition to online encyclopedias we also have print ones in the library's collection.  Search in our catalog for the term "health" as a subject (from the drop-down box) and pair it with "encyclopedia," "handbook" or "dictionary" in "all fields" from the drop-down box for example.
Here is an example of an online reference database the library provides:

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