For the Humanities, including language and literature, MLA Style is generally the preferred format for citing your sources.
In 2016, MLA adopted a new style guide, the eighth edition. Some professors use the seventh edition. If you're not sure which one to use, ask!
See the MLA Style Center for the basics of the style, as well as updates and tips for better writing.
You can also get in touch with our Research Help service if you're stuck. We keep the latest style manuals at the Research Help desk at the first floor of the library, and we're happy to help!
There are a number of citation generators available online. If you do decide to use one of these you should double check your citations to make sure they are formatted properly.
Give credit where credit is due. By properly citing the sources you use in your research projects you are both identifying the resources that you used to complete your work and you are formally acknowledging the authors or creators of those resources.
You'll find many references in the course of your research. Make sure you keep track of what you find! Citation Management Systems are excellent tools to organize your references.