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Featured eBooks

Use the Library Map to Locate Books by Call Number

Books are located in the South Wing.  Use the first letter of a book's call number to identify the floor on which it may be found:

2nd floor:  C-H     3rd floor:  J-N, Q-Z     4th floor:  A-B, P

Library Map Book Locations

Searching Books in Advanced Search

  • Select (Almost Everything)
  • Select Material Type: Books
  • Select fields as title, author etc. 

Tips on finding resources in the Advanced Search


Looking for eBooks? Refine your results on the left to "Available Online"


Item not available @ Cortland? Use  Interlibrary Loan!

 more information

Searching the Catalog

1) Create a list of keywords that relate to your topic. Determine broad AND narrow (specific) keywords for your topic.

2) If you need to find more keywords look at a thesaurus, or perhaps an encyclopedia article (see previous tab "Background Resources")

3) Search via keywords (do not type sentences - Do not type a, the, etc.)

4) Use boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT.

  • AND - all results will have ALL words (If you type: Sports AND Ethics - all results will include BOTH words
  • OR - results will contain EITHER one word OR another
  • NOT - results will NOT contain a particular word

Advanced Search"

- Use to access main catalog

- Limit search by collection (TMC, Reference, Maps, etc.)

- Do a more indepth search with more fields: ISBN, call number, etc..

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Featured Books

Browsing the Stacks

Do you want to come in and browse through English Literature books?

Most of the English Literature books are located on the fourth floor of the library.  If you are looking for a specific subsection (such as American Literature or Victorian Literature), you can click the following link to find call number ranges for your subject: English Literature Call Numbers