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Information Literacy Instruction Program

CPN 101/103: Basic Research Skills

The Composition Library Instruction Program (CLIP) is a collaborative program between instructional librarians and the Composition faculty, designed to teach students basic research skills in CPN 101 and 103

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Student Learning Objectives

Programmatic Student Learning Outcome CLIP Learning Outcome Sequence

Corresponding Frame

from ACRL Framework

1. Students will be able to understand and use basic research techniques in order to locate information. 1a. Develop Topic:  Students will be able to adapt keyword searches in order to develop their topics. Class 1 Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration, Scholarship as Conversation

1b. Systematic Searches:  Students will be able to use search strategies in order to locate information systematically.

Class 1 Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration, Scholarship as Conversation
  1c.  Evaluation of Search Process:  Students will evaluate their search results and adjust their strategies in order to improve their findings. Class 2 (Optional) Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration, Scholarship as Conversation
2. Students will be able to evaluate information, in order to select the best resources for their information needs. 2a.  Evaluation of Information Systems:  Students will be able to identify search tools that are relevant to their topics. Class 1 Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as a Process, Information has Value, Scholarship as Conversation
  2b. Evaluation of Sources:  Students will be able to evaluate a resource in order to determine if it satisfies their information needs. Class 2 Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as a Process, Information has Value, Scholarship as Conversation


CLIP is taught in two sessions.  The procedure is as follows:

  1. The librarian that will be working with you will contact you to initiate scheduling, typically before the semester begins.  The librarian will also set up a meeting or phonecall in order to discuss goals, priorities, and other relevant information.
  2. Student attendance of both CLIP sessions is required for CPN students to successfully pass the course.  Students who require a make-up session will be contacted by the Coordinator and faculty will be advised of their progress.
  3. First Class: 
    1. When:  Ideally, after students have picked out a topic for their research inquiry anchor assignments.  Students will have time to research in class, and this is most productive when students can search their own topics.
    2. Where:  Depending upon faculty preference and scheduling availability, either in Old Main (if the session will coincide with faculty's scheduled lab times) or the library, in the Instructional Resources Area (IRA, second floor).  
    3. What:  A hybrid workshop session, focused on basic search strategies (including a keyword activity, Boolean logic, and limiting results using database features) and time to research.  Students will have the opportunity to use ONESearch, and, when appropriate, subject-specific databases.
  4. Second Class:
    1. When:  Before the research inquiry anchor assignment is due, and ideally one to two weeks after the first class.
    2. WhereDepending upon scheduling availability, the second class will be held in a library classroom.
    3. What:  A highly interactive session, focused on evaluating resources.  
  5. CLIP Homework Assignment:
    1. Students should complete the Research Log Form while conducting research for their CPN research assignments.  It will prompt them to answer questions about and reflect upon their research processes.
    2. Faculty decide what weight the assignment will have within their courses. It is recommended to assign a few points to the CLIP homework in your syllabus so that students will be motivated to complete it and get the most out of the assignment. 
    3. Librarians grade completed responses and submit grades to the faculty.