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*Recreation, Parks & Leisure Studies: General Research Guide

Recreation, Parks & Leisure Studies
Dictionary of Concepts in Recreation and Leisure Studies

Dictionary of Concepts in Recreation and Leisure Studies

The concepts included in the dictionary may be grouped into four general categories. The first of these include elemental concepts--those ideas that form the intellectual bedrock of the field. Then there are theoretical concepts- scholarly models or interpretations of the patterns and processes seen in recreation and leisure. Research and methodological concepts make up the third category. while the fourth include professional concepts representing some of the basic ideas inherent in the service side of the field.

Each definition is organized chronologically, emphasizing the evolution of the term and its interpretation or application. Definitions also point to links between concepts listed in the dictionary. Numerous references and suggestions for further reading are included for readers wishing to pursue a topic in more detail. Faculty and graduate students in recreation and leisure studies will welcome this first comprehensive dictionary of the field, as will the libraries of universities and colleges with a recreation and leisure studies department. The historical material and the critical review of conflicting definitions is a special feature and one that makes this book not only useful as a dictionary, but also as a reference work on state of the art ideas and concepts in the field.

The SAGE Dictionary of Leisure Studies

The SAGE Dictionary of Leisure Studies

This dictionary examines the key concepts of leisure studies. It assesses the work of central figures and helps students zero-in on essential issues and conceptual distinctions.

Complete Outdoors Encyclopedia

Complete Outdoors Encyclopedia

Gathers information about rifles, game animals, birds, fish, outdoor gear, survival skills, boats, archery, hunting dogs, and first aid.

Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation

Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation

"Reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of these fields, this reference work helps to contextualize the leading research and knowledge about leisure and outdoor recreation concepts, theories, and practices. Its alphabetically organized entries are fully cross-referenced, comprehensively indexed, and in most cases contain up-do-date suggestions for further reading. The Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation is an essential reference resource for teaching, an invaluable companion to independent study, and a solid starting point for wider exploration."--Jacket.

General Encyclopedic Databases @ Cortland

Once you have identified the main topic and keywords for your research, find one or more sources of background information to read. These sources will help you understand the broader context of your research and tell you in general terms what is known about your topic. The most common background sources are encyclopedias and dictionaries from the print and online reference collection. Class textbooks also provide background information.