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AAS 100: TILLOTSON Intro to African American Studies

Boolean in ONESearch

There are two ways to search with boolean operators in ONESearch.  First, you can type them directly into the ONESearch's Basic Search box.  AND, OR, & NOT, must be typed in all UPPER CASE to register as boolean operators.

Boolean searching with AND example


The second way to use boolean in ONESearch is to select them from the drop-down menu in an Advanced Search.  First, click on the "Advanced Search" option at the top of the results page, next to the search bar:

A screenshot of the basic search bar in ONESearch with a blue circle around the "Advanced Search" button to the right of the bar.

Next, click on where it says "AND" to open the boolean drop-down menu:
A screenshot of the Advanced Search menu with a blue circle around the boolean operators dropdown menu on the lower left.
From there, you can select whatever boolean operators you need and apply them to any additional terms you enter.