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*Mathematics: General Research Guide

Help and Contact

There are several ways to contact us: Visit in person, Call us on the phone, Text us, Email us, Chat with us, or Make an Appointment with a librarian.


Memorial Library Address: 81 Prospect Terrace, Cortland, NY

Bring your questions to the Research Help desk in the first floor lobby of the library during these hours.


Call for research assistance during these hours.

Research Help: (607) 753-2590.


Text us at  (607) 341-7883 during these hours.


Research Help: For help with reference questions, please email the reference desk at You will receive an e-mail reply from a librarian usually within 24 hours.


Instant Message or Chat with a librarian. When we are not at the desk, you will be referred to our AskUs 24/7 cooperative service. Click on the dragon icon in the upper right corner that says "Ask a Librarian" to chat!


Did you know that you can make one-on-one and small group appointments with a librarian that specializes in your area of study? Research Help Appointments will save you time AND improve your research. Librarians are available to help you: narrow your research topic, develop search strategies, identify and access resources, cite sources, and learn to use citation managers and other research tools.

Make an appointment today!

Technology Help

Help Center Tickets:

For technology or circulation help, go to the Tech Help Tab in MyRedDragon, and click on "Submit an Online Support Request." Follow the directions to describe the problem.

Help Center Phone: (607) 753-2500