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COR 201 for Transfer Students

Welcome--COR 201 Library session

Welcome to the Library Research Guide for COR 201. Please review this research guide by clicking through each tab on the sides (or just clicking the "next" button at the bottom of each page). You will learn about the library's resources, services, and staff.  You will also learn how to find a book and access sources online using ONESearch, and how to contact librarians for help. Once you've finished, please complete the COR 201 Virtual Escape Room included on this page.

For the most up-to-date information about library services, please check out our COVID-19 Fall 2020 guide.

COR 101 Virtual Escape Room Activity

COR 201 Virtual Escape Room

(Please complete after you have finished reading this guide.)

Escape Room Instructions:

Escape the (virtual) library by answering a series of questions!

Begin the activity by clicking on the red text link above, labeled "COR 201 Virtual Escape Room." This will open a Microsoft Forms document.

Use the COR 201 Research Guide to find clues and "keys" to unlock each section. Click on each blue tab within this guide to learn more about the services and resources available within the library.

Some questions will involve text answers, some will involve multiple choice. Every correct answer brings you closer to the exit. If you are wrong - click the back button and try, try, again.

Good luck!