Library of Congress call number ranges for subject related browsing:
BL2390-2490 History and principles of religions -- African
DT1-3415 History of Africa
DT7-12.25 Description and travel
DT15-16 Ethnography
DT17-39 History
E184.5-185.98 Afro-Americans
E185.61-185.97 Civil rights
GT1-7070 Manners and customs (General)
HT851-1445 Slavery
HT1501-1595 Races
JQ1870-3981Political institutions and public administration of Africa
KQ2-197 History of law
KQ2010-9000 Law of indigenous peoples
ML102.B6 Blues dictionaries
ML102.J3 Jazz dictionaries
ML128.B49 Blues bibliography
ML128.J3 Jazz bibliography
ML3506-ML3509; ML3518; ML3561 Jazz history
ML3521 Blues history
ML3537 Soul history
PL8000-8009 African Languages
PL8009.5-8014 African Literature
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Books are located in the South Wing. Use the first letter of a book's call number to identify the floor on which it may be found:
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